New Year’s in Tokyo!

Take a look at some famous Tokyo sights, including Shibuya, Ueno Zoo, the Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum, and Tsukiji!

Finding Lines at the Marina

Linked to The Daily’s weekly photo challenge! This week’s theme is “lines.” Lines I went this weekend to the Berkeley and Emeryville marinas and noticed all sorts of lines.  Here’s the skyline of San Francisco. You can see the Bay Bridge, Treasure Island, and Salesforce tower. The hills and buildings of San Francisco build a…

Asian Art Museum, San Francisco

Welcome to the first post with photos entirely from my new camera! I have to say, I was impressed. There’s no way my old camera would have been able to get such shots like this in low light (it would have just been a blurry mess). I was using my 35mm f/ 1.8 Sony lens….

The Ranch

Up until recently, my sister was living at a ranch in Pleasanton. Before she moved out, I went over one day to take some shots – though I regret not getting any close-ups of the horses! These are Nigerian dwarf goats, which I couldn’t get enough of. They look like kids but don’t outgrow their…

UC Botanical Garden

A lovely afternoon at the UC Botanical Garden and some heartwarming anecdotes to supplement the fun.

Berkeley Bluffs

This week I went on a spontaneous adventure with a friend who’s moving away, and we ended up at the claremont canyon conservency

Women’s March 2018

I went to the Women’s March in Oakland this past week and it was really great. Lots of collective feeling…

Hayward Japanese Gardens

I took a drop by the Hayward Japanese Garden last week. It’s directly adjacent to the senior center, and it made me feel that Hayward could be a pleasant place to retire. I stopped in the senior center to use the restroom, and they were having a heated ping pong tournament. That’s the kind of…